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5.4.9 Video Boxs


The app is used to Intelligent Analysis of IPC video stream input . The app consists of RTSP video stream, body and face detection, image coding and decoding, and a web display interface. The workflow is shown in the following diagram:

In actual customer applications, the display part is completed by the customer's business system. The app consists of RTSP video stream, body and face detection, image coding and decoding. The workflow is shown in the following diagram:

Code Repository: (

Supported Platforms

RDK X3, RDK X3 Module, RDK X5Ubuntu 22.04Start RTSP Client for receive video stream , and from H264 deceoded to NV12, perform body face keypoints detection, and display the detection effect in Web



  1. RDK has been flashed with the Ubuntu 22.04 system image provided by D-Robotics.

  2. TogetheROS.Bot has been successfully installed on RDK.

  3. Get IPC devices that support RTSP stream of H264/H265,and configure IP addresses for the same network segment.

  4. The PC used for RDK should be in the same network segment (either wired or connected to the same wireless network, with the first three parts of the IP address being consistent).

  5. Setup system

sudo bash -c "echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor"
  1. When run more pipeline, set 1G of ion_size.refor to srpi-config



Start Pipeline with web

source /opt/tros/humble/setup.bash

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=101

cp -r /opt/tros/${TROS_DISTRO}/lib/mono2d_body_detection/config/ .

ros2 launch hobot_rtsp_client hobot_rtsp_url_num:=1 hobot_rtsp_url_0:='rtsp://admin:admin123@' hobot_transport_0:='udp' websocket_channel:=0

Start Pipeline of component

source /opt/tros/humble/setup.bash

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=103

cp -r /opt/tros/${TROS_DISTRO}/lib/mono2d_body_detection/config/ .

ros2 launch hobot_rtsp_client hobot_rtsp_url_num:=1 hobot_rtsp_url_0:='rtsp://admin:admin123@' hobot_transport_0:='udp' websocket_channel:=0

Start Pipeline without web

source /opt/tros/humble/setup.bash

export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=105

cp -r /opt/tros/${TROS_DISTRO}/lib/mono2d_body_detection/config/ .

ros2 launch hobot_rtsp_client hobot_rtsp_url_num:=1 hobot_rtsp_url_0:='rtsp://admin:admin123@' hobot_transport_0:='udp'


  1. ROS_SOMAIN-ID must be configured.when start multiple pipeline in a local area network.
  2. The launch with "_plugin" is component mode.
  3. When start multiple pipeline with "_websocket", Don't view multiple channel stream on web.

Result Analysis

The following information is outputted in the terminal when running on the RDK.

[hobot_codec_republish-2] [WARN] [1732169402.355433988] [hobot_codec_decoder]: Sub imgRaw fps = -1774563328
[hobot_codec_republish-2] [WARN] [1732169402.906547961] [hobot_codec_decoder]: sub h264 1920x1080, fps: 24.7706, pub nv12, fps: 9.17431, comm delay [-8.8148]ms, codec delay [171.2000]ms
[mono2d_body_detection-4] [WARN] [1732169402.906916796] [mono2d_body_det]: SharedMemImgProcess Recved img encoding: nv12, h: 1080, w: 1920, step: 1920, index: 2508, stamp: 1732169402_735947000, data size: 3133440, comm delay [170.9541]ms
[hobot_codec_republish-3] [WARN] [1732169403.274412126] [hobot_codec_encoder]: sub nv12 1920x1088, fps: 10.8055, pub jpeg, fps: 10.8055, comm delay [164.9091]ms, codec delay [7.6364]ms
[mono2d_body_detection-4] [WARN] [1732169403.321086039] [mono2d_body_det]: input fps: 10.81, out fps: 10.81, infer time ms: 92, post process time ms: 10
[hobot_codec_republish-2] [WARN] [1732169403.946849482] [hobot_codec_decoder]: sub h264 1920x1080, fps: 25, pub nv12, fps: 10.5769, comm delay [-7.0000]ms, codec delay [168.2727]ms

Use the command ros2 topic liston other terminal,the topic is as below:

$ ros2 topic list

Among them, /rtsp_image_ch_0 is h264/h265 stream from IPC through RTSP protocol, /hobot_mono2d_body_detection is the algorithm message published by the RDK which contains the human body and face detection results, and /image_decode is from h264 decoded to NV12 image,/image_mjpeg is from nv12 coded to jpeg image.

In the PC's browser, enter http://IP:8000, and the body detection frame, keypoints, and pose detection results will be displayed in the web interface (IP refers to the IP address of the RDK):