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5.5.1 Using "zero-copy"


Communication is a fundamental function of the robot development engine. When using native ROS for large-scale data communication, there may be issues such as high latency and system load. TogetheROS.Bot implements the "zero-copy" feature based on the D-Robotics Systems software library hbmem, which enables zero-copy transmission of data across processes, greatly reducing transmission latency and system resource usage for large data blocks. This section explains how to use the tros.b hbmem interface to create a publisher and subscriber node for large-scale data transmission, and calculate transmission latency.

  • The tros.b Foxy version adds a "zero-copy" function based on ROS2 Foxy.
  • The tros.b Humble version uses the "zero-copy" function of ROS2 Humble. For specific usage, please refer to the ROS2 official document and code.


  1. tros.b has been successfully installed following the guide Installation.
  2. Familiarity with ROS2 nodes, topics, QoS, as well as creating packages and using custom messages. For detailed tutorials, please refer to the official ROS2 documentation.
  3. The ROS2 package build system ament_cmake has been installed. Installation command: apt update; apt-get install python3-catkin-pkg; pip3 install empy.
  4. Development tools: Compilers and other tools to build ROS packages. sudo apt install ros-dev-tools


1. Create a package

Open a new terminal and source the tros.b setup script to ensure that the ros2 command can be run.

source /opt/tros/setup.bash

Create a workspace using the following command. For detailed instructions, refer to the ROS2 official tutorial Creating a workspace.

mkdir -p ~/dev_ws/src
cd ~/dev_ws/src

Run the following command to create a package.

ros2 pkg create --build-type ament_cmake hbmem_pubsub

2. Create a custom message

2.1 Create a message file

Run the following command to create a msg directory to store the custom message file.

cd ~/dev_ws/src/hbmem_pubsub
mkdir msg

In the msg directory, create a new file named SampleMessage.msg with the following content:

int32 index
uint64 time_stamp
uint8[4194304] data

uint32 MAX_SIZE=4194304

2.2 Dependency Compilation

Return to the ~/dev_ws/src/hbmem_pubsub directory and modify package.xml. Add the following content under <buildtool_depend>ament_cmake</buildtool_depend>:


2.3 Compilation Script

Modify CMakeLists.txt and add the following content under # find_package(<dependency> REQUIRED) to compile the msg:

find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)

3. Create Message Publishing Node

3.1 Create a New Message Publishing Node File

In the ~/dev_ws/src/hbmem_pubsub/src directory, create a new file named publisher_hbmem.cpp. This file is used to create the publisher node. The code and explanation are as follows:

#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"
#include "hbmem_pubsub/msg/sample_message.hpp"

using namespace std::chrono_literals;

class MinimalHbmemPublisher : public rclcpp::Node {
MinimalHbmemPublisher() : Node("minimal_hbmem_publisher"), count_(0) {
// Create publisher_hbmem, topic is "topic", QoS is KEEPLAST(10), and default reliability
publisher_ = this->create_publisher_hbmem<hbmem_pubsub::msg::SampleMessage>(
"topic", 10);

// Timer, calls timer_callback every 40 milliseconds for message publishing
timer_ = this->create_wall_timer(
40ms, std::bind(&MinimalHbmemPublisher::timer_callback, this));

// Timer callback function
void timer_callback() {
// Get the message to send
auto loanedMsg = publisher_->borrow_loaned_message();
// Check if the message is valid, it may become invalid if borrowing the message fails
if (loanedMsg.is_valid()) {
// Get the actual message by reference
auto& msg = loanedMsg.get();

// Get the current time in microseconds
auto time_now =

// Assign values to the index and time_stamp of the message
msg.index = count_;
msg.time_stamp = time_now;

// Print the message to be sent
RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "message: %d", msg.index);
// Note that loanedMsg is no longer valid after publishing
// Increment the counter
} else {
// Failed to get the message, discard it
RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "Failed to get LoanMessage!");

// Timer
rclcpp::TimerBase::SharedPtr timer_;

// Hbmem publisher
rclcpp::PublisherHbmem<hbmem_pubsub::msg::SampleMessage>::SharedPtr publisher_;

size_t count_;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
return 0;

3.2 Compilation Dependencies

Go back to the ~/dev_ws/src/hbmem_pubsub directory, modify the package.xml, and add the rclcpp dependency under <member_of_group>rosidl_interface_packages</member_of_group>:


3.3 Compilation Script

Modify CMakeLists.txt, add the following content below the rosidl_generate_interfaces statement to complete the publisher compilation:

find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)

add_executable(talker src/publisher_hbmem.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(talker rclcpp)
${PROJECT_NAME} "rosidl_typesupport_cpp")


4. Create Message Reception Node

4.1 Create a New Message Reception Node File

Create a new file subscriber_hbmem.cpp in the ~/dev_ws/src/hbmem_pubsub/src directory to establish a subscriber node. The specific code and explanation are as follows:

#include <memory>

#include "rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp"
#include "hbmem_pubsub/msg/sample_message.hpp"

class MinimalHbmemSubscriber : public rclcpp::Node {
MinimalHbmemSubscriber () : Node("minimal_hbmem_subscriber") {
// Create subscription_hbmem with topic "sample", QoS as KEEPLAST(10), and default reliability
// Message callback function is topic_callback
subscription_ =
"topic", 10,
std::bind(&MinimalHbmemSubscriber ::topic_callback, this,

// Message callback function
void topic_callback(
const hbmem_pubsub::msg::SampleMessage::SharedPtr msg) const {
// Note that msg can only be used within the callback function, the message will be released after the callback function returns
// Get current time
auto time_now =
// Calculate delay and print it out
RCLCPP_INFO(this->get_logger(), "msg %d, time cost %dus", msg->index,
time_now - msg->time_stamp);

// hbmem subscription

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
rclcpp::init(argc, argv);
return 0;

4.2 Build script

Go back to the ~/dev_ws/src/hbmem_pubsub directory, as we have added the rclcpp dependency in the package.xml, there is no need to modify it.

Modify the CMakeLists.txt file, add the following content below the install statement, to complete the build of the subscriber:

add_executable(listener src/subscriber_hbmem.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(listener rclcpp)
${PROJECT_NAME} "rosidl_typesupport_cpp")


5. Build

The directory structure of the entire workspace is as follows:

└── src
└── hbmem_pubsub
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│ └── hbmem_pubsub
├── msg
│ └── SampleMessage.msg
├── package.xml
└── src
├── publisher_hbmem.cpp
└── subscriber_hbmem.cpp

entire package.xmlas follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<package format="3">
<description>TODO: Package description</description>
<maintainer email="root@todo.todo">root</maintainer>
<license>TODO: License declaration</license>






The complete CMakeLists.txt content is as follows:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)

# Default to C99

# Default to C++14

add_compile_options(-Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic)

# find dependencies
find_package(ament_cmake REQUIRED)
# uncomment the following section in order to fill in
# further dependencies manually.
# find_package(<dependency> REQUIRED)
find_package(rosidl_default_generators REQUIRED)


find_package(rclcpp REQUIRED)

add_executable(talker src/publisher_hbmem.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(talker rclcpp)
${PROJECT_NAME} "rosidl_typesupport_cpp")


add_executable(listener src/subscriber_hbmem.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(listener rclcpp)
${PROJECT_NAME} "rosidl_typesupport_cpp")


find_package(ament_lint_auto REQUIRED)
# the following line skips the linter which checks for copyrights
# uncomment the line when a copyright and license is not present in all source files
#set(ament_cmake_copyright_FOUND TRUE)
# the following line skips cpplint (only works in a git repo)
# uncomment the line when this package is not in a git repo
#set(ament_cmake_cpplint_FOUND TRUE)


In the workspace root directory ~/dev_ws, build the package:

colcon build --packages-select hbmem_pubsub

If the colcon command is not installed, use the following command to install it:

sudo apt install ros-dev-tools

6. Run

Open a new terminal, cd to the dev_ws directory, source tros.b and the current workspace setup file:

source /opt/tros/setup.bash
cd ~/dev_ws
. install/setup.bash
ros2 run hbmem_pubsub talker

On the terminal, the following prints will appear:

[INFO] [1649227473.431381673] [minimal_hbmem_publisher]: message: 0
[INFO] [1649227473.470746697] [minimal_hbmem_publisher]: message: 1
[INFO] [1649227473.510923361] [minimal_hbmem_publisher]: message: 2
[INFO] [1649227473.550886783] [minimal_hbmem_publisher]: message: 3
[INFO] [1649227473.590664377] [minimal_hbmem_publisher]: message: 4
[INFO] [1649227473.630857041] [minimal_hbmem_publisher]: message: 5

Open another terminal and cd to the dev_ws directory, then source the setup file and run the listener node:

source /opt/tros/setup.bash
cd ~/dev_ws
. install/setup.bash

ros2 run hbmem_pubsub listener

On the terminal, the following prints will appear, indicating that the subscriber has successfully received the messages sent by the publisher:

[INFO] [1649227450.387089523] [minimal_hbmem_subscriber]: msg 10, time cost 1663us
[INFO] [1649227450.427071280] [minimal_hbmem_subscriber]: msg 11, time cost 1713us
[INFO] [1649227450.466993413] [minimal_hbmem_subscriber]: msg 12, time cost 1622us
[INFO] [1649227450.507029960] [minimal_hbmem_subscriber]: msg 13, time cost 1666us
[INFO] [1649227450.546146910] [minimal_hbmem_subscriber]: msg 14, time cost 998us
[INFO] [1649227450.587002681] [minimal_hbmem_subscriber]: msg 15, time cost 1768us

You can use Ctrl+C to end the execution of each node.

Summary of this section

If you have learned how to use ROS2 publishers and subscribers, it is easy to switch to using hbmem publishers and subscribers. You just need to make the following changes:

  • rclcpp::Publisher to rclcpp::PublisherHbmem
  • create_publisher to create_publisher_hbmem
  • rclcpp::Subscription to rclcpp::SubscriptionHbmem
  • create_subscription to create_subscription_hbmem
  • In the publisher, call borrow_loaned_message to get the message, then check if the message is available, and if it is, assign the value and send it.
  • In the subscriber, process the received message in the callback function, and the received message can only be used in the callback function. Once the callback function is executed, the message will be released.

Note:- Using zero-copy based on hbmem will occupy ion memory. If multiple large messages publishers are created, there may be insufficient ion memory, resulting in creation failure issues.

  • When creating a publisher, ion memory that is three times the size of KEEPLAST multiplied by the number of messages will be requested at one time (up to 256MB maximum), which is used for message transmission and will not be dynamically allocated afterwards. If there is an error in message handling on the subscriber side or if it is not processed in a timely manner, the message buffer may be fully occupied, causing the publisher to continuously fail to obtain available messages.


Compared to the publisher/subscriber data transmission method in ROS2, using zero-copy transmission based on hbmem has the following limitations:

  • QOS History only supports KEEPLAST and does not support KEEPALL. Additionally, KEEPLAST cannot be set too large due to memory limitations. Currently, it is set to a maximum of 256MB memory usage.
  • The size of the transmitted message is fixed, meaning the sizeof value of the message remains unchanged and cannot include variable-length data types such as strings or dynamic arrays.
  • It can only be used for inter-process communication on the same device and cannot be transmitted across devices.
  • Publisher messages need to be obtained first and then assigned for sending, and it needs to be checked if the acquisition is successful.
  • The validity period of received messages on the subscriber side is limited to the callback function and cannot be used outside of the callback function.