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DDR Stress Testing Plan


This article mainly introduces the testing method for long-term high-pressure operation of DDR particles in high and low temperature environments.


Definition of terms: PASS: After the test is completed, all functions and performance of the DUT meet expectations, and no anomalies occur. FAIL: After the test is completed, the DUT's functions are damaged or malfunctioning, or do not meet the specified requirements.

Testing Categories

Testing CategoryEnvironmental TemperatureTesting Duration
DDR Normal Temperature Stress Test25 degrees48 hours
DDR High Temperature Stress Test60 degrees48 hours
DDR Low Temperature Stress Test-25 degrees48 hours

Testing Environment

DUT Stress Program

ITEMVersion Number/Device NumberApplicable Testing Categories
Test Scriptxj3_ddr_stress.tar.gzGeneral Stress Testing
Number of DUTs5 or moreGeneral Stress Testing

Download xj3_ddr_stress_gcc9.3.tar.gz from the corresponding SDK version directory of unittest

How to Use the Stress Program

  1. Transfer xj3_ddr_stress_gcc9.3.tar.gz to the userdata directory of XJ3 via Ethernet or other tools.

  2. Enter the userdata directory on the XJ3 side: cd /userdata

  3. Uncompress the test file

tar -zxvf xj3_ddr_stress_gcc9.3.tar.gz
  1. Grant permission to the xj3_ddr_stress folder
chmod 777 xj3_ddr_stress
  1. Enter the directory "cd xj3_ddr_stress"
cd xj3_ddr_stress 
  1. Set CPU mode and frequency reduction temperature
# If the device restarts, these two commands need to be configured again
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/scaling_governor
echo 105000 > /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/trip_point_1_temp
  1. Execute the stress test script, run cpu test and bpu test in the background
sh ./scripts/
  1. Check the running status with top


  1. The cpu test log is stored in /userdata/cpu-stress.log, check the current running status
# It will be printed every 10 seconds
tail /userdata/cpu-stress.log


Note: The program runs continuously for 48 hours by default (as shown in the figure below, the value after the -s parameter is 172800, in seconds)

  1. The bpu test log is stored in /userdata/bpu-stress.log, check the current running status
# As long as the log is being updated, it is still testing, it runs continuously by default
tail /userdata/bpu-stress.log
  1. Check the cpu test result, if the last Status in /userdata/cpu-stress.log shows PASS and there is no "error" or "miscompare" keyword in the log, it indicates a PASS result.


  1. If the last Status in /userdata/cpu-stress.log shows FAIL or if there is an "error" or "miscompare" keyword in the log, it indicates a FAIL result.13. Check the bpu test result. If keywords such as "error" or "system hung" are present in the bpu_stress.log, it means the test has failed.


13、check bpu test result, if error, system hung ,etc, appeared in bpu_stress.log, it means the test has failed.