📄️ 7.2.1 Development Environment Setup and Compilation Instructions
This chapter introduces the requirements and setup of the cross-compilation development environment, as well as instructions for downloading the source code and compiling the system image.
🗃️ 7.2.2 RDK X3 Driver Development Guide
15 items
🗃️ 7.2.3 RDK X5 Driver Development Guide
11 items
🗃️ 7.2.4 Hardware Unit Testing
7 items
📄️ 7.2.5 Kernel Header Files
If you need to compile kernel modules or similar code on a development board, you need to install the Linux kernel header files. These header files contain various constant definitions, macro definitions, function interface definitions, and data structure definitions of the Linux kernel. They are essential dependencies for compiling kernel module code.
📄️ 7.2.6 Applying Real-Time Kernel
This chapter aims to describe how to enable real-time kernel (Preempt-RT kernel) on RDK X3 and RDK X3 Module, and provide the corresponding commands for users to use. Real-time kernel is an operating system kernel that can provide more precise and reliable response time, and is commonly used in applications with high time sensitivity requirements, such as robot control and industrial automation. The following are the related commands for enabling and disabling real-time kernel, as well as some common use cases and testing methods.