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4.1.3 Static Image Inference

Image Classification Algorithm - Mobilenet v1

This example mainly implements the following functions:

  1. Load the mobilenet v1 image classification model
  2. Read the static image zebra_cls.jpg as the input of the model
  3. Parse the model output to obtain the classification result of the image

Running Method

The complete code and test data of this example are installed in the /app/pydev_demo/01_basic_sample/ directory. Call the following command to run:

cd /app/pydev_demo/01_basic_sample/
sudo python3 ./

After successfully running, the classification result of the image will be output as shown below:

========== Classification result ==========
cls id: 340 Confidence: 0.991851

Explanation of Example Code

  • Importing algorithm inference libraries hobot_dnn, numpy, and opencv modules

    from hobot_dnn import pyeasy_dnn as dnn
    import numpy as np
    import cv2
  • Model loading Call the load interface to load the model file and return a list of hobot_dnn.pyeasy_dnn.Model class.

    models = dnn.load('../models/mobilenetv1_224x224_nv12.bin')

    In this example, the input of the mobilenetv1 model is 1x3x224x224 data with the format NCHW. The output is a list of 1000 data, representing the confidence of 1000 categories. The example defines the print_properties function to output the input and output parameters of the model:

    # print properties of input tensor
    # print properties of output tensor
  • Data preprocessing

    Example opens the image file zebra_cls.jpg containing a zebra, and resizes the image to fit the input size of the model (244 x 224):

    # open image
    img_file = cv2.imread('./zebra_cls.jpg')
    # get the input tensor size
    h, w = models[0].inputs[0].properties.shape[2], models[0].inputs[0].properties.shape[3]
    print("input tensor size: %d x %d" % (h, w))
    des_dim = (w, h)
    # resize image to input size
    resized_data = cv2.resize(img_file, des_dim, interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)


    Then, convert the image from BGR format to NV12 format, which is compatible with the model input, using the bgr2nv12_opencv function:

    nv12_data = bgr2nv12_opencv(resized_data)
  • Model inference

    Call the forward interface of the Model class for algorithm inference, and then obtain a list of 1000 values representing the predicted probabilities for 1000 categories.

    outputs = models[0].forward(nv12_data)
  • Algorithm post-processing

    The output of the algorithm model needs to be post-processed to obtain the desired class, detection box, and other information. In this example, the model output corresponds to 1000 categories, so it needs to be filtered based on confidence to obtain the correct result.

    print("=" * 10, "Classification result", "=" * 10)
    # output target id and confidence
    print("cls id: %d Confidence: %f" % (np.argmax(outputs[0].buffer), outputs[0].buffer[0][np.argmax(outputs[0].buffer)]))

    The correct result when running is:

    ========== Classification result ==========
    cls id: 340 Confidence: 0.991851

Object Detection Algorithm - YOLOv3

This example mainly implements the following functions:

  1. Load the yolov3_416x416_nv12 object detection model.
  2. Read the static image kite.jpg as the input of the model.
  3. Analyze the algorithm result and render the detection results.

How to Run

The complete code and test data of this example are installed in the directory /app/pydev_demo/06_yolov3_sample/. Run the following command to execute:

cd /app/pydev_demo/06_yolov3_sample/
sudo python3 ./

After successful execution, it will output the object detection results and save the rendered results to the file result.jpg, as shown in the following figure: image-20220624105321684

Object Detection Algorithm - YOLOv5

This example mainly implements the following functions:

  1. Load the yolov5s_672x672_nv12 object detection model.
  2. Read the static image kite.jpg as the input of the model.
  3. Analyze the algorithm result and render the detection results.

How to Run

The complete code and test data of this example are installed in the directory /app/pydev_demo/07_yolov5_sample/. Run the following command to execute:

cd /app/pydev_demo/07_yolov5_sample/
sudo python3 ./

After successful execution, it will output the object detection results and save the rendered results to the file result.jpg, as shown in the following figure: image-20220624105432872

Image Segmentation Algorithm - UNet

This example mainly implements the following functions:

  1. Loading the mobilenet_unet_1024x2048_nv12 image segmentation model (pre-trained segmentation model for cityscapes).
  2. Reading the segmentation.png static image as the input of the model.
  3. Analyzing the algorithm results and rendering the segmentation results.

Running Method

The complete code and test data of this example are installed in the /app/pydev_demo/04_segment_sample/ directory. Use the following command to run:

cd /app/pydev_demo/04_segment_sample/
sudo python3 ./

After successful execution, the segmentation results of the image will be output, and the segmentation effect image will be output to the segment_result.png file, as shown in the following image: image-20220624105144784