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4.1.4 MIPI Camera-based Inference

Object Detection Algorithm - FCOS

This example mainly achieves the following functions:

  1. Load the fcos image object detection algorithm model (trained on the COCO dataset with 80 object detection categories).
  2. Read video images from the MIPI camera and perform inference.
  3. Parse the model output and render the result to the original video stream.
  4. Output the rendered video stream through the HDMI interface.

Running Method

Please refer to MIPI Camera AI Inference for how to quickly run this example.

Example Code Analysis

  • Import Python modules Import modules such as hobot_dnn, hobot_vio, numpy, opencv, colorsys, etc.

    import numpy as np
    import cv2
    import colorsys

    from hobot_dnn import pyeasy_dnn as dnn
    from hobot_vio import libsrcampy as srcampy
  • Load the model file

    Call the load method to load the model file and return a list of hobot_dnn.pyeasy_dnn.Model class.

    models = dnn.load('../models/fcos_512x512_nv12.bin')

    The input of the fcos model is 1x3x512x512 data with the format of NCHW. The output is 15 sets of data used to represent the detected object bounding boxes. In the example, the print_properties function is defined to output the input and output parameters of the model:

    # print properties of input tensor
    # print properties of output tensor
    for output in models[0].outputs:
  • Data Preprocessing

    Call the get_cam interface of the srcampy.Camera class to obtain the real-time image from the MIPI camera and resize the image to fit the size of the model's input tensor.

    # create Camera object
    cam = srcampy.Camera()
    h, w = get_hw(models[0].inputs[0].properties)
    # open MIPI Camera, set 30fps, solution 1920 x 1080, 512 x 512
    cam.open_cam(0, 1, 30, [1920, w], [1080, h])
    # get the image, solution 512x512
    img = cam.get_img(2, 512, 512)
    # transform data to np format
    img = np.frombuffer(img, dtype=np.uint8)
  • Data Stream Binding

    To reduce the data copying of the image data, the example binds the input and output modules of the image data, allowing the image data from camera to be directly sent to the display module at the lower level.

    disp = srcampy.Display()
    # For the meaning of parameters, please refer to the relevant documents of HDMI display
    disp.display(0, 1920, 1080)

    # bind camera directly to display
    srcampy.bind(cam, disp)

    For more information about the detailed usage of the camera, please refer to the Camera section.

  • Model Inference

    Call the forward interface of the Model class for inference. The model outputs 15 sets of data to represent the detected object detection boxes.

    outputs = models[0].forward(nv12_data)
  • Algorithm Postprocessing

    The postprocessing function postprocess in the example will process the information of the object categories, detection boxes, and confidence from the model outputs.

    # do postprocess
    prediction_bbox = postprocess(outputs, input_shape, origin_img_shape=(1080,1920))
  • Visualization of Detection Results

    The example renders the algorithm results and the original video stream and outputs them through the HDMI interface. Users can preview the effects in real time on a display. The display part uses the Display function of the hobot_vio module, for more detailed information about this module, please refer to the Display section.

    for index, bbox in enumerate(prediction_bbox):
    if index == 0:
    disp.set_graph_rect(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2], coor[3], 2, 1,
    disp.set_graph_word(coor[0], coor[1] - 2, bbox_string, 2, 1,
    disp.set_graph_rect(coor[0], coor[1], coor[2], coor[3], 2, 0,
    disp.set_graph_word(coor[0], coor[1] - 2, bbox_string, 2, 0,

Object Detection Algorithm Web Visualization

In this example, we want to achieve the following:

  1. Load the "fcos" image object detection algorithm model (trained on COCO dataset with 80 object categories)
  2. Read video images from a MIPI camera and perform inference
  3. Parse the model output results
  4. Push the algorithm results and video stream to the web-side

The data preprocessing, model inference, and post-processing code in this example are the same as in the previous sections. Only the differences will be explained below.

Code Analysis

  • Start web_service

    Before using the web service, please make sure that the development board and the computer are in the same network segment and can ping each other. Then execute the following command to start the web service:

    cd /app/pydev_demo/05_web_display_camera_sample/
    sudo sh ./
    sudo python3 ./

    Note that if you encounter the following error when running, it means that there is already an httpd service running on the device and TCP port 80 is occupied: image-20220719003947031

    In this case, you need to find and terminate the process that occupies port 80. You can execute the command lsof -i:80 to get the PID of the process occupying the port, and then use kill -9 PID to terminate the process.

  • Protobuf Serialization

The web client receives data that has been serialized using Protobuf. As the server, the development board needs to serialize the model's output according to a specific data format. In this example, the serialization operation is performed using the serialize function.

def serialize(FrameMessage, prediction_bbox):
if (prediction_bbox.shape[0] > 0):
for i in range(prediction_bbox.shape[0]):
# get class name
Target = x3_pb2.Target()
id = int(prediction_bbox[i][5])
Target.type_ = classes[id]
Box = x3_pb2.Box()
Box.type_ = classes[id]
Box.score_ = prediction_bbox[i][4]

Box.top_left_.x_ = prediction_bbox[i][0]
Box.top_left_.y_ = prediction_bbox[i][1]
Box.bottom_right_.x_ = prediction_bbox[i][2]
Box.bottom_right_.y_ = prediction_bbox[i][3]

prot_buf = FrameMessage.SerializeToString()
return prot_buf
  • Sending Protobuf Data

The web server on the development board sends the data using the websockets plugin, and it needs to obtain the IP address of the local device:

# call ifconfig cmd, to get device ip
ifconfig_cmd = subprocess.check_output("ifconfig | grep broadcast | awk '{print $2}'", shell=True)
board_ip = str(ifconfig_cmd, 'UTF-8')[:-1]

Then, start the websockets and send the data using the web_service function.

start_server = websockets.serve(web_service, board_ip, 8080)
async def web_service(websocket, path):
while True:
# create protobuf message object
FrameMessage = x3_pb2.FrameMessage()
# set frame solution and format
FrameMessage.img_.height_ = 1080
FrameMessage.img_.width_ = 1920
FrameMessage.img_.type_ = "JPEG"

# get camera image for inference
img = cam.get_img(2, 512, 512)
img = np.frombuffer(img, dtype=np.uint8)
outputs = models[0].forward(img)
# do postprocess
prediction_bbox = postprocess(outputs, input_shape, origin_img_shape=(1080, 1920))

# get camera image for render
origin_image = cam.get_img(2, 1920, 1080)
# encode image to mjpeg
FrameMessage.img_.buf_ = enc.get_img()
FrameMessage.smart_msg_.timestamp_ = int(time.time())
# serialize data
prot_buf = serialize(FrameMessage, prediction_bbox)
# send data
await websocket.send(prot_buf)
  • View the display effect on the web

    Enter the IP address of the development board in the chrome browser to preview the video image rendered in real time