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3.3.2 Using GPIO

The development board is equipped with the GPIO Python library Hobot.GPIO. Users can import the GPIO library with the following command.

sunrise@ubuntu:~$ sudo python3
Python 3.8.10 (default, Mar 15 2022, 12:22:08)
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import Hobot.GPIO as GPIO
Get board ID: 0x504
>>> GPIO.model

Setting Pin Numbering Mode

The development board has 4 pin numbering modes:

  • BOARD: Physical pin numbering, corresponding to the silk screen numbering on the development board.
  • BCM: GPIO naming based on the Broadcom SoC.
  • CVM: Use strings instead of numbers, corresponding to the signal names of the CVM/CVB connectors.
  • SOC: GPIO pin numbering corresponding to the X3M chip, matching the chip's datasheet.

This article recommends using the BOARD pin numbering mode. The pin numbering can be set as follows:

# or
# or
# or

To check the current pin numbering mode:

mode = GPIO.getmode()

The program will output one of the results BOARD, BCM, CVM, SOC, or None.

Warning Messages

The code will produce warning log outputs, but will not affect normal functionality in the following cases:

  • The GPIO being attempted to use by the user is already being used by another application.
  • GPIO.cleanup is called to clean up the pins before setting the mode and channels.

To suppress the warning messages, you can use the following command:


Pin Configuration

Before using GPIO pins, they need to be configured accordingly. Below are the specific configurations:

To set as input:

GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.IN)

To set as output:

GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT)

You can also specify an initial value for the output channel. For example:

GPIO.setup(channel, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)

In addition, the tool supports setting multiple output channels at the same time. For example:

# set gpio(18,12,13) to output
channels = [18, 12, 13]
GPIO.setup(channels, GPIO.OUT)

Input Operation

To read the value of a channel, use:


The command returns either 0 or 1. 0 represents GPIO.LOW, and 1 represents GPIO.HIGH.

Output Operation

To set the output value of a channel, use:

GPIO.output(channel, state)

Where state can be GPIO.LOW or GPIO.HIGH.

Clearing Pin Usage

Before exiting the program, it is recommended to perform a channel cleanup operation, use:


If you only want to clean up specific channels, use:

# Clean up a single channel
# Clean up a group of channels
GPIO.cleanup( (channel1, channel2) )
GPIO.cleanup( [channel1, channel2] )

Checking Pin State

This function allows you to check the function of the corresponding GPIO channel:


This function returns IN or OUT.

Edge Detection and Interrupts

Edge refers to the change in the electrical signal from low to high (rising edge) or high to low (falling edge), which can be considered as the occurrence of an event. This event can be used to trigger a CPU interrupt signal.


On the RDK Ultra platform, only a specific few pins on the 40 pin header can be used as interrupt pins. They are numbered as 13, 16, 18, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33, 37 in BOARD mode.

Please refer to Pin Configuration and Definitions for pin definitions.

:::The GPIO library provides three methods to detect input events:

wait_for_edge() function

This function blocks the calling thread until the corresponding edge change is detected. The function call is as follows:

GPIO.wait_for_edge(channel, GPIO.RISING)

The second parameter specifies the edge to detect, which can be GPIO.RISING, GPIO.FALLING, or GPIO.BOTH. If you want to specify a timeout, you can set the timeout parameter:

# timeout specified in milliseconds
GPIO.wait_for_edge(channel, GPIO.RISING, timeout=500)

If the external signal changes within the timeout period, the function returns the detected channel number; if a timeout occurs, the function returns None.

event_detected() function

This function can be used to periodically check if an event has occurred since the last call. The function can be set and called as follows:

# set rising edge detection on channel GPIO
GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING)
if GPIO.event_detected(channel):
print("Rising edge event detected")

You can detect events of GPIO.RISING, GPIO.FALLING, or GPIO.BOTH.

Running a callback function when an edge event is detected

This feature can be used to register a callback function, which runs in a separate processing thread. Here is how to use it:

# define callback function
def callback_fn(channel):
print("Callback called from channel %s" % channel)

# enable rising detection
GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING, callback=callback_fn)

If needed, you can also add multiple callbacks by following the same method:

def callback_one(channel):
print("First Callback")

def callback_two(channel):
print("Second Callback")

GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING)
GPIO.add_event_callback(channel, callback_one)
GPIO.add_event_callback(channel, callback_two)

Since all callback functions run on the same thread, different callbacks are executed in order, not simultaneously.

To prevent multiple invocations of the callback function by merging multiple events into one event, you can choose to set debounce time:

# bouncetime unit is ms
GPIO.add_event_detect(channel, GPIO.RISING, callback=callback_fn, bouncetime=200)

Disable Interrupts

If edge detection is no longer needed, you can remove it as follows:


Test Cases

The main test cases are provided in the /app/40pin_samples/ directory:

Test CaseDescription
simple_out.pyTesting a single pin output
simple_input.pyTesting a single pin input
button_led.pyUsing one pin as a button input and another as an LED output
test_all_pins_input.pyCode for input testing for all pins
test_all_pins.pyCode for output testing for all pins
button_event.pyCapturing rising and falling edge events on a pin
button_interrupt.pyHandling rising and falling edge events on a pin using interrupts
  • Set GPIO to output mode, toggle the output level every 1 second, which can be used to control the LED cycle on and off. Test code
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import Hobot.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Define the GPIO channel used as 38output_pin = 38 # BOARD code 38

def main():
# Set the pin numbering mode to BOARD
# Set the pin as output and initialize it to high level
GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)
# Record the current pin state
curr_value = GPIO.HIGH
print("Starting demo now! Press CTRL+C to exit")
# Loop to control the LED light on and off every 1 second
while True:
GPIO.output(output_pin, curr_value)
curr_value ^= GPIO.HIGH

if __name__=='__main__':
  • GPIO is set to input mode, and the pin level is read through busy polling, using the test code
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import Hobot.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Define the GPIO channel as 38
input_pin = 38 # BOARD code 38

def main():
prev_value = None

# Set the pin numbering mode to BOARD
# Set the pin as input
GPIO.setup(input_pin, GPIO.IN)

print("Starting demo now! Press CTRL+C to exit")
while True:
# Read the pin level
value = GPIO.input(input_pin)
if value != prev_value:
if value == GPIO.HIGH:
value_str = "HIGH"else:
value_str = "LOW"
print("Value read from pin {} : {}".format(input_pin, value_str))
prev_value = value

if __name__=='__main__':

  • Set GPIO to input mode, capture rising and falling edge events on the pin, test code, detect falling edge of pin 38, and control the output of pin 36:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Define the GPIO channels:
# Pin 36 as output to light up an LED
# Pin 38 as input for a button
led_pin = 36 # BOARD coding 36
but_pin = 38 # BOARD coding 38

# Disable warning messages

def main():
# Set the pin coding mode to BOARD
GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT) # LED pin set as output
GPIO.setup(but_pin, GPIO.IN) # button pin set as input

# Initial state for LEDs:
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW)

print("Starting demo now! Press CTRL+C to exit")
while True:
print("Waiting for button event")
GPIO.wait_for_edge(but_pin, GPIO.FALLING)

# event received when button pressed
print("Button Pressed!")
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(led_pin, GPIO.LOW)finally:
GPIO.cleanup() # cleanup all GPIOs

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • Set GPIO pins to input mode, enable GPIO interrupt function, respond to rising and falling edge events on the pins, test code, detect falling edge on pin 38, and then control pin 36 to switch between high and low levels quickly for 5 seconds.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import signal
import Hobot.GPIO as GPIO
import time

def signal_handler(signal, frame):

# Define GPIO channels:
# Pin 12 as output, can light up an LED
# Pin 13 as output, can light up an LED
# Pin 38 as input, can connect a button
led_pin_1 = 12 # BOARD code 12
led_pin_2 = 13 # BOARD code 13
but_pin = 38 # BOARD code 38

# Disable warning messages

# Blink LED 2 fast for 5 times when the button is pressed
def blink(channel):
print("Blink LED 2")
for i in range(5):
GPIO.output(led_pin_2, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(led_pin_2, GPIO.LOW)

def main():
# Pin Setup:
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # BOARD pin-numbering scheme
GPIO.setup([led_pin_1, led_pin_2], GPIO.OUT) # LED pins set as output
GPIO.setup(but_pin, GPIO.IN) # button pin set as input

# Initial state for LEDs:
GPIO.output(led_pin_1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(led_pin_2, GPIO.LOW)

# Register blink function as the interrupt handler for falling edge events on the button pin.GPIO.add_event_detect(but_pin, GPIO.FALLING, callback=blink, bouncetime=10)
# Start testing, Led1 slowly blink
print("Starting demo now! Press CTRL+C to exit")
while True:
# blink LED 1 slowly
GPIO.output(led_pin_1, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(led_pin_1, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.cleanup() # cleanup all GPIOs

if __name__ == '__main__':
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)