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Install, create, and manage software packages on Debian Linux systems.

The dpkg command is a utility tool used on Debian Linux systems to install, create, and manage software packages.


dpkg [<option> ...] <command>

Command explanations

The dpkg command has options for setting and requires a command to execute different functionalities.

  • -i: Install a software package.
  • -r: Remove a software package.
  • -P: Remove a software package and its configuration files.
  • -L: List files belonging to a specified software package.
  • -l: List software package status concisely.
  • -S: Search for software packages containing specified files.
  • --unpack: Unpack a software package.
  • -c: Show the list of files inside a software package.
  • --configure: Configure a software package.

Option explanations

  • --admindir= directory: Use directory instead of /var/lib/dpkg.
  • --root= directory: Install to a different root directory.
  • --instdir=directory: Change the installation directory while maintaining the management directory.
  • --path-exclude= expression: Do not install paths that match the shell expression.
  • --path-include= expression: Include an additional pattern after exclusion patterns.
  • -O|--selected-only: Ignore software packages that are not selected for installation or upgrade.
  • -E|--skip-same-version: Ignore software packages with the same version as the installed package.
  • -G|--refuse-downgrade: Ignore software packages with versions earlier than the installed package.
  • -B|--auto-deconfigure: Install even if it affects other software packages.
  • --[no-]triggers: Skip or force the handling of triggers that follow.
  • --verify-format=format: Check the output format ('rpm' is supported).
  • --no-debsig: Do not attempt to verify the signature of the software package.
  • -D|--debug=octal: Enable debugging (see -Dhelp or --debug=help for more information).
  • --status-logger=command: Send status updates to the standard input of command.
  • --log=filename: Log status updates and operation information to filename.
  • --ignore-depends=package,...: Ignore all dependencies related to package.
  • --force-...: Ignore encountered problems (see --force-help for more details).
  • --no-force-...|--refuse-...: Abort execution when encountering problems.
  • --abort-after <n> Abort after encountering <n> errors.

Common Commands

  • Install package
dpkg -i package.deb
  • Remove package
dpkg -r package
  • Remove package (including configuration files)
dpkg -P package
  • List the files associated with the package
dpkg -L package
  • Show the version of the package
dpkg -l package
  • Unpack the contents of a deb package
dpkg --unpack package.deb
  • Search for the package that owns the specified file or keyword
dpkg -S keyword
  • List all currently installed packages
dpkg -l
  • List the contents of a deb package
dpkg -c package.deb
  • Configure the package
dpkg --configure package